The store will be temporarily displayed as open, but in this case, please set the expected opening date as soon as possible. You can minimize the period when your business is displayed as open. To quickly verify ownership, obtain a phone number early. When registering a new store, if the phone number of the store scheduled to open is already posted on the store information page of the official website and Google can trust it to some extent, the owner can be verified by phone instead of a postcard. There's a case. If you would like to register as soon as possible before opening and publish your business profile, we recommend setting up a store phone line and posting your phone number on the official website and various information media.
If you are opening a new store such as a chain brand, prepare an official page where you can che Kuwait Phone Number Data ck the store. For owner verification, Google requires data to support the existence of the claimed store. The official page of the chain brand is mainly used for this. Even if you prepare a business profile before opening a new store, the information is often not posted on the official website until the store opens, so Google may not be able to confirm the store information on the official website and the owner verification may not proceed.

In some cases, even if the owner is verified, the service is subsequently suspended. Before starting the Google Business Profile owner verification process, be sure to create a page for the new store you plan to open on your official website, and register that URL in the "Website" section of your business profile. How to register a Google Business Profile before opening To register your Google Business Profile before opening your business, follow the steps below. Check if information about newly opened stores is already listed in Google Search/Google Maps. Create a business profile for your new store Skip business owner verification for now Enter opening date Verify business owner Check if information about newly opened stores is already listed in Google Search/Google Maps.