Help you understand it? It is vital to achieve positive brand recognition. Brand positioning can be positive or negative and no one wants their brand to be positioned negatively. However, you must consider that brand perception is not static and can change over time, so you must always monitor it so that your actions are in accordance with the brand perception that you detect when doing social listening. Social networks, messages shared by prospects or customers, as well as the media, can change brand perception.
Ad since this is dynamic, understanding occurs thanks to social listening because by periodically monitoring your brand, you can know everything that is said publicly on the Internet, collect data on public mentions and conversations, map the data, identify terms, detect influencers Digital Marketing Service and measure sentiment. Integrate social listening, for one occasion or continuously At Prospect Factory we have been working on brand perception for many years in a cycle that begins with social listening, which generates important insights.
That allow us to help understand the brand perception of your product or service. If you are interested in knowing what people say about your brand or those of your competitors, we can probably help you. We have a social listening service and internet reputation metrics that can be done on a one-time basis or as an ongoing service. . Use it to generate significant insights about your brand and your competitors and thus much better refine your messages on networks, in blogs, on the pages.