Wever, in order for the goal to be achieved even more efficiently, a good strategy is to "fragment" the months into certain time periods and think of them precisely as frames. This happens because, between the definition of any set objective and its deadline, countless things can happen. When we are prepared for the inevitable eventualities along the way, we end up becoming prepared people with a thinking "ahead" of the challenge. Furthermore, breaking down an objective into smaller pieces allows us to have a more detailed view of countless fundamental aspects of the project that, if viewed in a generic way, could go unnoticed. Milestones can be verification points, for example, or objectives, which must be checked and/or achieved precisely in the proposed time periods. Think of them as a bunch of "sub-goals" within the m
ain one. Milestone freelancer: applying the concept to your own routine ADVERTISEMENT I know Iran WhatsApp Number Data that you are not a company and that your life is probably not based on the same strategic objectives of a company (no matter how minor), but, thinking about the root of the milestone concept, it is possible to adapt it to practically any goal, objective or reality that a person wants to change satisfactorily. Now, we will talk specifically about the "milestone freelancer". First of all, it is important to highlight that it does not necessarily have to be linked to activities related to freelas directly. It is possible to work on milestones in everything and any habit tha

t somehow improves your professional performance — even drinking more water or eating more fruits. Tools and applications for CTA content producers Save X amount of money until the end of the year December is coming and, with it, the desire to take a vacation is even greater. If the three-month period is short to gather some freelas and take a super trip, he thinks about the following year: we still have months ahead of us. In a "common" point of view when setting goals, the idea would be much simpler, but perhaps not as effective: if you want to save thousand at the end of months, the time does not matter, as long as in the end you have the amount. With milestones, however, it is possible to control t