In a Telegram channel, you need to create an additional separate group and associate it with the channel. A separate chat appears, which can only be seen by the administrator. How to open comments in a Telegram channel in steps Step 1. Go to the channel settings. Find the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the screen and tap on it. To display a menu with settings, tap on the channel name. To display a menu with settings, tap on the name of the channel. Step 2. Click “Discussion” (add). The option is right below Channel Type. For Android and iOS, the algorithms for connecting comments are almost identical, but in the web version the group creation function was not available.
For Android and iOS, the algorithms for connecting comments were almost identical, but in the web version the group creation function was not available. Step 3. Create a group for discussion. You can choose from existing ones, if any, or create a new one and give it an Web Development Services appropriate name. When choosing from already created groups, you need to tap on the one you need and link it to the channel. The created group will automatically be linked to the telegram channel The created group will be automatically linked to the telegram channel By default, the created group will be private - only the administrator can see it. Step 4: Set up comments.
To enable comments only for subscribers in a Telegram channel, tap on the discussion group and move the “Members only” slider to the on position. The created group will appear in your chats. By the way, you can accept applications for membership through it, if you have a closed channel, the created group will be displayed in your chats. By the way, you can accept applications to join through it if you have a closed channel. We managed to add comments to the Telegram channel.